Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Light and Dark

Light and darkness is a motif that is addressed in countless pieces of literature. Last year, in 'Of Mice and Men' we focused on the reoccurrence of light and darkness when used to show the enlightenment of the various characters. In the 'Godfather', however, another meaning of light and darkness is visible.
There is a scene in this movie where Tom Hagens is involved in a less then cordial interaction with Sollotzo. In this scene, Sollotzo presents Tom Hagens with a proposition. Throughout, the entire scene the face of Tom Hagens is only half lit. Shadows fill the other side of his face. This display of darkness and lightness on the characters face shows the internal conflict he is facing. Tom Hagens knows that the deal that Sollotzo offers is worthwhile. But, this is the man that recently killed his father.
Overall, light and darkness prove unseen points of view in this particular scene.

1 comment:

  1. I really like what you said about Tom Haegan and that situation, its spot on! However, additionally the discrepancy between the light and dark is not only evident in that situation but is used again and again to differentiate between the mafia and the "outside world". It's a "filmic" device that is frequently put into great use. Symbolically, since we assume the dark to represent death, we see the underground dealing as some kind of court where other people’s fates are frequently tied in. However, the dark also symbolizes evil, but it isn’t really the people that are evil, it’s the actions that they carry out that are immoral. The Godfather isn’t a horrible person, he’s a family man likes to keep family life separate from his business. Maybe because he feels guilty of the things he’s done and doesn’t want his family to get messed up into it. I could be entirely off, but this is the crazy train of thought that came to me when I saw your post! :)
